What to Know About the August 2024 Core Update

What to Know About the August 2024 Core Update

Last Updated on August 17, 2024 by Team Indis Academy

On August 15, 2024, Google rolled out its latest core update, known as the August 2024 Core Update. This update continues Google’s mission to enhance the quality of its search results by prioritizing content that genuinely serves users and de-emphasizing content designed solely to perform well in search rankings. As with previous core updates, this iteration is a significant step in Google’s ongoing efforts to refine its algorithms to provide users with the most relevant and high-quality information.

Why This Update Matters

Core updates are crucial events in the world of SEO and digital marketing because they often bring about significant changes in how websites are ranked in search results. The August 2024 Core Update is no exception. It is designed to address feedback from both users and content creators, ensuring that Google’s search results continue to prioritize useful, original content over low-quality or overly optimized pages.

This update is particularly noteworthy for small or independent sites, as Google has explicitly stated that it aims to connect users with a broader range of high-quality content. This could mean better visibility for sites that produce original and valuable content but may not have had the resources to compete with larger, more established websites in the past.

Key Changes in the August 2024 Core Update

  1. Improved Recognition of Original Content: One of the most significant aspects of this update is its enhanced ability to recognize and reward original content. Google’s algorithm is now better equipped to identify content that offers unique insights, thorough research, or innovative perspectives. Websites that have invested in creating original, high-quality content are likely to see improved rankings as a result of this update.
  2. Decreased Visibility for Low-Quality Content: As Google continues to refine its algorithms, one of the ongoing goals is to reduce the visibility of content that exists primarily to rank well in search engines. This includes pages that are keyword-stuffed, overly optimized, or that provide little value to users. The August 2024 update intensifies this focus, meaning that sites relying on these tactics may experience a drop in their search rankings.
  3. Recognition of Site Improvements: Another critical aspect of the August 2024 Core Update is its ability to better capture and reward improvements made by websites. If a site has taken steps to enhance the quality of its content, improve user experience, or increase its relevance, these changes are more likely to be recognized and reflected in search rankings. This is an encouraging development for webmasters who have invested time and resources in improving their sites.
  4. Increased Focus on User Experience: User experience remains a cornerstone of Google’s ranking criteria. This update further emphasizes the importance of providing a seamless, intuitive, and engaging experience for users. Factors such as mobile-friendliness, page load speed, and site navigation are likely to play an even more significant role in determining rankings.

How to Respond to the August 2024 Core Update

If you notice changes in your site’s performance following the August 2024 Core Update, it’s essential to approach the situation with a clear strategy. Here are some steps to consider:

  1. Evaluate Your Content Quality: Assess whether your content genuinely serves the needs of your audience. Focus on providing unique insights, detailed research, and valuable information that sets your site apart from competitors.
  2. Avoid Over-Optimization: While SEO best practices are essential, avoid crossing the line into over-optimization. Keyword stuffing, excessive internal linking, and other tactics designed purely for search engine performance should be minimized in favor of creating content that is naturally engaging and informative.
  3. Invest in User Experience: Take a close look at your site’s user experience. Ensure that it is easy to navigate, loads quickly, and is accessible on all devices. Consider conducting user testing or gathering feedback to identify areas for improvement.
  4. Monitor Performance and Adapt: Use tools like Google Search Console and analytics platforms to monitor your site’s performance after the update. Pay attention to changes in rankings, traffic, and user engagement, and be prepared to adapt your strategy as needed.


The August 2024 Core Update is a reminder of Google’s ongoing commitment to providing users with the best possible search experience. By focusing on original content, user experience, and avoiding over-optimization, webmasters can position their sites for success in this new era of search. As always, staying informed and adaptable is key to navigating the ever-evolving landscape of SEO.

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